Monkey Weekend in El Puerto de Santa Maria. Always different. Always new. Indie Español, always.
This year’s event: Friday 13 and Saturday 14th May, 2022, El Puerto de Santa Maria, Cadíz, Spain.
(What’s Monkey Weekend?)
It’s been way too long and while not the busiest ever, everybody there was up for it.
I only knew I knew one act [Paco Loco and his Juguares de la Bahía] before arriving. I like that. Take the performers on their merits, not reputation. And anyway, and also… recordings often nowt to do with live performance.
[Florid stutterings follow]
Amazing live? Cuello.

Oscar Mezquita
The first band we saw on the Friday night, in the patio of the Castillo San Marcos. Hard Garage Rock is not really my thing. But this was a real treat. Cuello’s dynamism pulsated from Oscar Mezquita. Drummer. Carlos Castaneda may have seen the energy flowing out of him like a demonically-enchanted Van de Graaff generator. But no such nonsense – just hardcore talent. Mr Mezquita, take a bow.
Stripped down to his undercrackers halfway through, not for the look [sorry mate] but to stop spontaneous combustion, this lad beat the living rhythm out of his kit. Me and my mate, fat farmer Jan, [hey Jan!] were transfixed.
Rest of the line-up: led by José Guerrero, a veteran of the Spanish rock scene [Betunizer and other bands]; the very friendly Mr Perry [from my home town Brighton] on bass; and fine upstanding chap – Ubaldo Fambuena – on guitar. I really don’ know how – but this four-piece played a kind of wall-of-noise rock that was totally clear and lucid. [What was I on? Coffee, antihistamines and a shot of whisky.] Their recordings are not for me. But live? Oh. My. Gosh.
DJs number one
Two excellent DJs glued things together between the two days.
Cherni was the closed out the first night with two hours of Allsorts to keep the punters jigging. Selected songs…
- La Rufla Gorda — Piero Avila Suarez [Brazilian]
- Gunavaco — Marcus Cultier [Brazilian]
- Dance — Los Super Elegantes [Spanish indie dance pop]
- North Side Girl — JD McPherson [old school rhythm-and-blues]
- Ces Bottes Sont Faites Pour Marcher — Eileen [a French cover of Nancy Sinatra’s classic]
- Blue Monday — New Order [yup]
On Saturday it was Rocío de la Rosa, AKA Mrs Purple, keeping things ticking over very nicely in the Milwaukee. Selected songs…
- Short Skirt/Long Jacket — Cake
- Awkward — San Cisco
- Happy — Pharrell Williams [maybe it’s been played to death, but it’s still a great song and, we were literally all grinning – in a room without a roof]
- Rama Lama Ding Dong — Rocky Sharpe & The Replays
- Pe Na Estrada — Mo’ Horizons [Brazilian cover of Hit the Road Jack]
Los Jaguares ‘Get Back Show’.
[‘Get Back’? I think Mr P. Loco agrees with me that the Monkey is more authentic back in El Puerto.]
Chapeau. Paco Loco and the Jaguares de la Bahía were the one thing I knew I wanted to see. And I really wanted to see them. They played perched on the rooftop of the Bar Andaulcía, in homage to the Beatles. The idea was fab and the scene terrific – but there was a slight disconnect with the audience – Paco had to hassle the sound guy a bit to boost the sound, which wasn’t the best. More dBs needed.
They played some of their own stuff [get some] and then, for the Karaoke, mashed up some classics – in very satisfying manners – with guest performers from other acts on the weekend lineup. The main songs were respected but echoes of interlopers washed in and out with perfect moon-weighted madness. Think QOTS on YMCA. Great stuff from the men in sweaty space suits.
There’s not much video out there – just found this from the beginning of the set, pre karaoke, poor sound recording…
[It was also fun to see DJ Cherni join in for the karaoke. Great voice, mate.]
Ghouljaboy, La Paloma and Dani all excellent
Sandré at Monkey Weekend 2022
Took a lot of pics – in between jumping around like a hyperactive teenage geriatric. Punk, rock. Hotpants all round.
Made off with the setlist at the end. Very sweaty and very happy.
We had a great time.
‘Best Ever’ said Jan.
What did I see there?
Friday 13th
- Cuello @ Castillo de San Marcos
{loved em – as above} - Camellos @ Castillo de San Marcos
{decent work lads – if a little dry live} - Cherni (DJ) @ Castillo de San Marcos
Saturday 14th
- Javier Prieto @ Jardin de Osborne
{old punk now playing the handpan like a bass. beautiful sound} - Karaoke Los Jaguares “Get Back Show” @ Bar Andalucia
{no Jaguares, no Monkey} - Rocío de la Rosa AKA Mrs Purple (DJ) @ Milwaukee
{another excellent DJ} - Ghouljaboy @ Guateque
{good shit – shades of Spanish supergrass} - [Rocío de la Rosa AKA Mrs Purple (DJ) @ Milwaukee – still going]
- Sandré @ Museum Club
{more, please} - La Paloma @ Guateque
{tight, fun} - Dani @ Plaza Alfonso X
{dreamy pop – I’m a fan} - [Rocío de la Rosa AKA Mrs Purple (DJ) @ Milwaukee – still, still, going. Maquina!]
- Los Locos del Ritmo DJ Set @ Milwaukee
{like, er, too many DJs – know what I mean?}
Last updated on 20th September 2022
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