…two years of enforced grumbling. [Use was enforced, not the grumbling.] Very happy to be back. But there were a few things I liked about Windows… Clipboard history. [Windows] + [V] Miss this. There are plugins for macOS, but a built-into-the-OS… Continue Reading →
These arresting ethereal images seem to be the product of contemporary art direction heavy on nostalgic whimsy. In fact they are from 1913. These are autochromes by one artistically inclined engineer, Lieutenant Colonel Mervyn O’Gorman, of his niece[?] in Lulworth… Continue Reading →
Ad hoc (enforced, dad-style) photoshoot of the visiting D&D combatants.
As if by magic, you can get a 12 col x 7-row grid of nearly square sections on a 20px gutter/margin layout. Over a 5px under-grid. In an 16:9 ratio HD document. The main sections in the layout grid are… Continue Reading →
New job; required training on information security fundamentals. A bit old hat to this old pro but always good to reread and refresh. This drawing inspired by the Social engineering part of one of the courses. Because it’s is a… Continue Reading →
July 2019 to March 2020. Beached thoughts; bar-sitting in Vejer (while Lucas trains at the Yoseikan budo dojo); Twitter chatter; Cryptonomicon (a book); coronavirus crashes into our lives…
What a lovely little thing to add to a downtime message. My favourite online UX course provider added a game of minesweeper to their maintenance page. Took my mind off the wait and informed me when the site was back… Continue Reading →
Here, below, is a current Spanish radiotelephone/radiophonic spelling alphabet. There’s not an official one to be found – at least nothing up-to-date – so I’ve cobbled one from a couple of sources as well as recent experience. No hay equivalente… Continue Reading →
Just wondering. Is referring to global warming in degrees negatively impacting our mental framing of the issue? Do we think of single degrees as largely insignificant steps between sub-zero, «summer holidays», a fever, boiling water, oven temperatures…? Who cares about +/- 1ºC? Global warming is all about the fever point region. Six degrees and you’re dead…
Love, love, love this song. It’s “old” now, from 2007, back when the hipster movement was just starting to gain traction around the world. Ironic and witty. Your gran’s got her own logo.
My visual notes from the Gestalt Psychology and Web Design course by the Interaction Design Foundation. You may notice I started this course over a year ago. That’s one of the great things about their courses: no time-outs. In fact… Continue Reading →
Domingo @ La Tabernilla Domingo @ Dominguito’s
I wanted to try a free WordPress contact form plugin. WP Forms Lite seemed very popular – with 5,000 positive reviews. Unfortunately, it comes without any type of spam protection. My contact form was found by the spammers and boy… Continue Reading →
Original site design in Sketch Final site screenshots Marketing banners
Not everybody’s cup of tea (but they’re wrong), Paco Loco is arguably the most important producer of the Spanish indie-garage scene. Strictly left-field, an essential part of Monkey Week* [El Puerto de Santa Maria variants]. Los Jaguares de la Bahía… Continue Reading →
A couple of weeks ago we found this strange problem in an email newsletter: random spaces between words – clearly visible in the source code – were disappearing or very narrow in the rendered email. Turns out that, somewhere in… Continue Reading →
Is *AMP-stack web [design and] build is what you do? [Hacking WordPress!] You need a local dev environment. You need and want your dev environment to be a fuss-free, stable, reliable and long-term partner. The thing about the options I’ve… Continue Reading →
Oh my. Five per cent of my hard drive (8.5 GB) was taken up by Microsoft Office applications. 2GB just for MS Word. Yeowch. Apple’s built-in Notes.app is 16MB. Compare.
For a non-pixel-monkey, adjusting a high-resolution stock image for use in a website at a specific pixel size/aspect ratio and to a limited filesize is trickier than it sounds… Three separate functions are required cropping something compositionally decent to the… Continue Reading →
Playa de El Palmar, Vejer de la Frontera, Cadiz. 29 septiembre, 2019. Very nice.
It starts with exploratory sketches. Always. No computer drawing app is as quick or efficient as hacking out small thumbnail sketches. The sketches must be small – detail is the enemy – as the logo must be strong enough… Continue Reading →
Brand identity for start-up game studio Matero Games. A haiku [ my first and perhaps last ] to try and encapsulate the origins of this brand name… From Belfast to Temuco Inspired creative thinking Matero Games Barry’s idea to… Continue Reading →
Funny post about Comic Sans’ing pointless or snarky comments over on CSS tricks. It’s a very amusing idea. However, when looking at the originating article “SNARKY COMMENTS IN COMIC SANS” I noticed their lovely text links. Chrome inspector to hand,… Continue Reading →
A classic Monkey Week*end 2019 The signature nature of the ‘ALL-NEW’ Monkey Weekends is their brevity. Only a couple of gigs on Friday night, a full Saturday and then just a couple of get-togethers on Sunday. Flamin’ Groovies Kicking off… Continue Reading →
One solution to fix an ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH error
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