Gmail and efficient CSS? Nah.

It’s not totally clear from the evidence but it seems the gmail team are lumping CSS and media queries together with Javascript and phishing attacks as major concerns. Seems odd but there you go. May explain they’re still killing responsive… Continue Reading →

Key new features in Photoshop CC (2015.5)

New: Selection and Masking Space; Content-Aware Crop; Match Font feature; Adjust Facial Features; in-context glyph selection…

Deleting of multi-line elements from associative arrays using RegEx find-and-replace in Dreamweaver

(Following-on from a simpler example: deleting PHP array elements that are each on a single line with Dreamweaver and RegEx.) I have series of associative arrays in a php file that reuse a set of keys. In this example I want… Continue Reading →

On iterative testing for iOS apps

Consumers do not consider themselves loyal

Video infographic from the UK Direct Marketing Association.

Finally a Laravel-based CMS to play with. Would there were time. Pyro CMS version 3

Portrait or Landscape?

“What’s the breakdown for tablets by device orientation?”

The future of html email in Android land

On expected improvements to Gmail balanced against fragmentation in Android.

Email miscellany

New features in Google’s Inbox app email newsletter collation (at Google’s discretion so far – try TechCrunch Daily or Medium Digest) save to inbox – send yourself an email using your OS’s built-in sharing features (iOS/Chrome) – saved links then grouped… Continue Reading →

The tangible benefits of designing at 1x pixel density

Simplifica – a rather lovely, free, typeface

See it in its full glory on Behance and/or grab a stashed version of it here.

On why you can’t have the unedited photos…

So when did Hybrid HTML email coding start to be known as Spongy? I get it, it squeezes down small but can only expand to a certain point, but LOL –  spongy.

HTML email hacking for Outlook

Outlook is nasty, Outlook is bad. Outlook is a horrorbag. Target your HTML email fixes, cludges and workarounds for the various flavours of Outlook with Microsoft’s own conditional comment tags – as in these examples below… ‘IE’ refers to Outlook… Continue Reading →

Really beautiful, free, images for stock use

Litmus have launched an free Email templates resource

Emmet in Dreamweaver FTW

I remember first trying out Emmet when it was the Zen Coding plugin for Coda (a good six or seven years ago). Now it’s all grown up, changed its name and it’s built-in to Adobe Dreamweaver.

Hayao Miyazaki’s animation software now open-source.

The basic component of the animation software used by studio that brought us Spirited Away and My Neighbour Totoro is now open source.  

Deleting an element from an array in Dreamweaver with RegEx

You have a multidimensional array where the elements’ keys/values are each on their own line. You want to remove all elements that have the same key.

State of email production

Results from Litmus’ big-ole-survey of email production methods and issues. An interesting view of what folks are doing/using out there. Go over to see them and grab yourself a copy of the 2016 State of Email Production eBook. It’s very… Continue Reading →

Oooooh! A spanking new UX app from Adobe. Looks fab…

Called Adobe Experience Design CC it looks like a melding of Illustrator and Photoshop plus UX tools a very clever “Repeat Grid” design feature.

Litmus’ view of Email Client Marketshare


Resizing a VirtualBox Windows hard drive on a Mac

Distilled info from this OSX Daily article: “How to Resize a VirtualBox VDI or VHD File on Mac OS X“.

And what?

Thank-ing you for the mul-ti-lin-gual hy-phen-a-tion tool

Ambient Animations in Email: Snow and Stars

Save Dreamweaver template files as .HTML files for SmartFocus (or anything else)

Just include an extra “.dwt” ‘pre-extension’ in the filename – i.e. filename.dwt.html.

A lovely confluence of marketing and labs from Netflix

Apple’s San Fransico font – a new modern classic?

Keeping HTML line breaks in PHP

Another should-know-this-already snippet of PHP know-how… PHP will not include any line breaks immediately after a closing PHP tag. If you need or want to preserve white space in your rendered HTML code you’ll need to add a space in… Continue Reading →

D’oh. Still a PHP noob after all… Despite NULL and FALSE meaning different things – they’re equal in PHP if you’re not type matching. ref

The Johnson Box???

The “Preheader” or “Johnson Box” as it’s sometimes called appears in the list view of many email clients.  It follows on directly after the subject line and needs to work in conjunction with it.  It can also work as a standfirst… Continue Reading →

Exclude child categories from category listing in WordPress

Add this before the Loop in archive.php: Found on

The future of Gmail

Google is bringing out a new email product: Google Inbox. It’s going to be a cross between email and task manager.

Responsive images – 2014 and beyond

I’ve read a couple of interesting articles about the future of images on the web. The Picture Element from HTML5 Rocks  Responsive Images in Practice on ALA There are two image problems that need solving in our multi-dimensional device landscape:… Continue Reading →

PC friendly Mac OS zip compression via the Terminal

If you work with systems that can’t ignore Mac OS File System meta data…

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