How to tile a print using Adobe’s Creative Suite (CS5)

Do you need to print an oversized graphic document onto multiple sheets of paper (that your printer can handle) so you can then assemble/[Sello]tape/mount an accurate large format version? This is a very simple task but strangely difficult to find… Continue Reading →

Safari: how to restore all windows from last session using Time Machine

It’s really very simple – everything you need is in ~/Libaray/Safari/LastSession.plist just quit Safari and restore that file from when it was good and you’re done. What’s this about? Well I tend to use open Safari windows/tabs to help keep… Continue Reading →

Avoid WordPress Trackbacks within your own site

So you’re doing the right thing and crafting internal links within your site to give the thing meaning and usefulness (or SEO)… but WordPress then adds superfluous trackbacks in the comments of the pages/posts your linking to… There are plugins… Continue Reading →

Rotating Twitter Tweet feed in WordPress

Again, this is for one my current projects: my mate Phil’s digital DJ tips site… OK – so there’s loads of plugin’s out there that do this kind of thing but I’m not after anything fancy (or bloated), I’m happy… Continue Reading →

WordPress jQuery conflict solved

After several hours of thinking I’m being a idiot (happens occasionally) I discovered that sometimes you’ll need to call before any jQuery scripts (or concatenated scripts in my case). It’s been hours and I couldn’t figure out why none of… Continue Reading →

WordPress loop with x big posts in one column then a grid of y smaller posts in z columns

Here’s how I managed to get this loop to work for the custom WordPress theme I whacked off for my friend and erstwhile colleague Phil Morse AKA Digital DJ Tips The challenge I set myself was to get the loop to… Continue Reading →

Long/short headings (or title tags) using WordPress Custom Fields

[ This post is now largely if not entirely redundant now thanks to WordPress 3 menu options ] Problem: WP titles are too long to fit in your navigation. Solution: Make the title short enough to fit in the navigation… Continue Reading →

Mac’s Apache web server crashing out

Spent a few hours yesterday try to fix my localhost web sharing. After a restart none of my local sites were responding, neither from my user account nor the back-up admin account. This error message kept showing up in my… Continue Reading →

How to show just sticky posts in a WordPress template

Want to just show just your sticky posts in a WordPress template? This guide tells you how (and much more) – but you’re hacking a theme and are stuck when it says “add this code before the loop” – well… Continue Reading →

Include an HTML file in a PHP variable

I couldn’t get PHP to accept an HTML file include as the definition of a variable without throwing my templated page into disarray.  An answer came from the venerable desilva then checked with the php folk; use output  buffering (see example… Continue Reading →

VR photography for the web

VR requirements: Flash (NOT Java or QTVR); full screen; ease of implementation via CMS; hotspots; For stitching the daddy seems to be RealViz Stitcher [waybackmachine]. Clearly. There many tools based on the opensource Panorama Tools out there. But under the… Continue Reading →

Support Driven Development

Please excuse this wanton copy-paste The article is good in its entirety but this is the best bit of this ThinkVitamin [waybackmachine] article Kevin Hale of Wufoo talks UX, Funding, Startups and API integration [waybackmachine]… Because we’re a small team… Continue Reading →

On Advertising and Flash-in-the-Pan

There’s two massive teacupstorms out there at the moment about Flash and HTML5. Adobe is trying to sabotage HTML5 goes one wind. Flash is dead long live Canvas (or rather Squirrel cheats on Flash with iPad) goes another. [Please excuse the… Continue Reading →

Cloud enabled local web development using Dropbox et al

or I *sync* my Mac Pro and MacBook Pro with Dropbox and Gmail Cloud enabled local web development? That’s an oxymoron — right? Explain. I prefer to develop/design using MAMP as it’s quicker and doesn’t rely on a sketchy internet… Continue Reading →

Using stats and Google Analytics on a WordPress instal

Wondering which you should use? Use both. (As recommended by Mr WordPress himself…) The Stats WordPress plugin provides all the basic daily dose of stats you need – and all easily accessible from the WordPress Dashboard.  Google Analytics gives… Continue Reading →

WordPress 403 import error and how to solve it

[or Check Your Privacy Settings] Yesterday I was being an eedgit. For the life of me couldn’t figure out why I was getting a 403 error “Remote file returned error response 403 Forbidden”. I was trying, and failing, to… Continue Reading →

Setup a Root Server web server with Webmin and Virtualmin

Setting up a root server isn’t so difficult. Or is it. In the search for the perfect service to offer my clients – many of whom like to use this dreaded WordPress platform [I love it really] I’ve found that using… Continue Reading →

FTP mget without prompt

[Long time no command line FTP.] Today I had to transfer 700Mb from one server to another in the same data center. SSH in to server #1 to grab the files from server #2 – but “a” wasn’t working as… Continue Reading →

How to group items in HTML select menus

Here’s something I learnt last week, just as the title says: how to group items in an (x)HTML select drop down list. This trick, which I’d assumed was done with magic (or rather DHTML or JavaScript trickery), is actually very… Continue Reading →

JavaScript Rounded Corners

Rounded corners with CSS and graphics is OK – but a pain to set up – requiring custom images and plenty of extra markup. JavaScript – particularly when helped by jQuery comes to the rescue and makes it fairly trivial…. Continue Reading →

MAMP stacked (Mac OS X 10.6)

When I moved over to Mac OS X 10.6 last week I found I had to fix my MAMP stack. My old MAMP install didn’t work anymore as unfortunately Marc Liyanage’s excellent PHP package fails in 10.6. The following instructions… Continue Reading →

Free from the shackles of CSS conditional comments

CSS hacks are here to stay but lets bundle them up in a single style-sheet… After trying to “hide my shame” [was it Zeldman that turned me on to CondComs with this phrase?] by using conditional comments for IE specific… Continue Reading →

Google Analytics: IP filter across multiple accounts

So I’m developing several sites from one end of an ADSL line with a dynamically assigned IP address. All of which use Google Anaytics. Obviously I don’t want traffic from my activities to get registered and skew any GA data… Continue Reading →

rsync and other old school Coda tricks

First a quick one – thanks to the folks that supplied the coda plugin for Markdown. Anonymous folks with big hearts. Markdown plugin for Coda It’s about time I stopped running to WordPress every time I have to format a… Continue Reading →

String to integer (strip all non numerics) with PHP

I’ve been hacking somebody else’s CMS (without access to the main engine) and needed to calculate a mathematical function on some prices. Specifically needed to display a percentage drop when given an original price as well as the current price…. Continue Reading →

Keeping your sites optimised

The sites I’ve been working on had been suffering from flab. A JavaScript library here (jQuery of course), a plug-in there, another, another, another… then a large plug-in that loads it’s own plug-ins (Shadowbox v3 – I’m talking to you)…. Continue Reading →

Display proper maintenance page with .htaccess

Create a decent “sorry this site is down for maintenance” page with a “Have a Nice Day” message, then when you do need to upgrade things use the following htaccess rewrite rule to forward all traffic to this page. Two… Continue Reading →

MAMP stacked (Mac OS X 10.5)

UPDATE: I’ve upgraded to Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6) and the following instructions are no longer entirely valid as Marc Liyanage’s PHP package hasn’t been upgraded to work in the Snow. Want to get MAMP on Mac OS X… Continue Reading →

More PNG transparency notes

Via thinkvitamin and  tipster: a couple of notes that may resolve a couple of outstanding issues I’ve had with PNG24 transparency use… Set width and height for the element/s containing the transparent background image […] (also, bear in mind that the… Continue Reading →

Flickr fool

P[hotographic w]ork flow Flickr. Been using it for years – with periodic hiatus[es] – always worried about losing pictures to sneaky internet thievery – and at the same time wondering how to keep a proper archive of my photos. Restricted… Continue Reading →

DOCUMENT_ROOT trailing slash issues?

Do you have a web server and a development server rendering different versions of the $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] superglobal? Mmm, me too. I’d have pulled my hair out if I had any. Made me feel rather defeated after thinking I’d fixed things… Continue Reading →

jQuery in anger

[notes to self] Shadowbox Tooltip highlightFade jquery.validate.js Lovely, lightweight carousel:

Google Analytics

Discover Google Analytics Interpret your Data: Learn how to interpret your data into meaningful insights with our video tutorial. Tag your links [esp for tracking non www links in email campaigns etc] with the URL Builder Go to the Conversion… Continue Reading →

Tiny URL?

Zeldman’s just posted about the current mini-storm about URL shortening services… I love his understated way. While the debate about these services – and, as an adjunct, feed scraping, we should look to our webdev monkey skills to roll our… Continue Reading →

Transmit / CODA FTP glitches

Eureka. D’oh. ho-hum. Delete as appropriate. Updated… My email to Hi, I’m sure it may be because I hadn’t RTFM in a while but I’ve just discovered that Transmit carries out Synchronisations based on its cache. I had always… Continue Reading →

A digital compact to get excited about?

The best [and only!] wide-angle photographer’s compact to come to market in ten years. Or so it seems. There have been many quality compacts produced since digital imaging came of age. You know those arrogant/insecure youths strutting about showing off… Continue Reading →

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