Bet4Pride logo development

  It starts with exploratory sketches. Always. No computer drawing app is as quick or efficient as hacking out small thumbnail sketches. The sketches must be small – detail is the enemy – as the logo must be strong enough… Continue Reading →

Brand identity for Matero Games

Brand identity for start-up game studio Matero Games. A haiku [ my first and perhaps last 😀 ] to try and encapsulate the origins of this brand name… From Belfast to Temuco Inspired creative thinking Matero Games Barry’s idea to… Continue Reading →

TokenKey logo

Logo-only job for a Blockchain startup. Slots app icon proposals

More options than necessary but sometimes it’s necessary.


Quick logo and t-shirt design for an incredible eye-controlled wheelchair Hackaday project of my friend – and incurable optimist – Patrick Joyce.

Soloists of London

Logo design for the Soloists of London. A baroque flourish of Mutlu Ornamental with Snell Roundhand (for readability) on a ground of Gill Sans, AKA the British Helvetica — itself born of the [London] Underground Alphabet. #toomuchtypography?

Slots Heaven logo proposals

Digital DJ Tips

First design and branding for the new Digital DJ Tips website. Included WordPress dev. With hindsight, the analogue kit skeuomorphism was not that appropriate – but these were early, heady, days.

Sunset Rocks

Phil’s weekly beach bar DJ set identity…

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