Romería and Octava, Alcalá de los Gazules, 2013

Brighton, August Bank Holiday 2013. Mods and scooters!

La descorcha, Alcalá de los Gazules, 2013

Pat’s Incurable Optimism show, opening night, Oxford University Museum of Natural History

    Pat is my friend, an artist, right-proper-mensch and an “incurable optimist”. Incurable because he has Motor Neurone Disease (MND). Life expectancy is now a couple of years (perhaps more if he’s “lucky” as this disease slowly withers and… Continue Reading →

Carnaval, Alcalá de los Gazules, 2011

Spain wins the World Cup, Alcalá de los Gazules, 2010

Villa Mirador Marbella (photography)

Photographs of Villa Mirador Marbella to accompany the property minisite.  

Outside the pop-up bullring, Alcalá de los Gazules, 2008

Costa del Sol property photos

High-end property photos taken whilst working on OPTV Magazine for MRI Property on the Costa del Sol.  

Marbella beach bar bums

Off-camera flash, ISO 200, f5.6 and a half-second shutter speed. Streaking like I like it.  

Procession, Semana Santa, Alcalá de los Gazules, 2007

Surf and City, Chile 1988

Diaguitas, Elqui Valley, Chile, November 1988

About November 1988, Chile. 18 years-old, very naive, tagging along with my new-found friend, Mateo. He had a plan to visit de Valle de Elqui, up north. Whilst buying the bus tickets he met and chatted with some folks and… Continue Reading →

Manao, Chiloe, October 1988

From one roll of film. Oh, for the economy of youth. No, wait…

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