According to Photojojo that is. Look here for their list. It’s a good one. SmartSetr is an instant fave; does smart sets like iTunes et al.
Just received delivery of another photo book from Apple, the fourth book I’ve sent off to them in as many years. The quality is really very good for digital print – so much better than the first one I received… Continue Reading →
The Flashing Blade. Currently here. Childrens’ TV from way back in the seventies. You remember this one? I do. The theme tune is baked into my memory for ever. Flickr viewer Tiltviewer is a very cool way to see your… Continue Reading →
Graphic Converter has jumped to the fore of my photo workflow options. Love the new browser features. Particularly the full screen preview on my PowerBook monitor when I’m at my desk and the fab “Set GPS from Current Google Earth… Continue Reading →
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