Scans of my 35mm film shots always come back from the minilab both numbered in reverse order and with the scan time as the only date. Not in Ordnung. If they all have the same timestamp – then they will order… Continue Reading →
Mansion wanted a behind-the-scenes teaser and some stills to back up their first UK broadcast campaign in years. A busy day gathering footage and stills followed by a couple of days’ crash course in remember-how-to-edit. This mostly usable BtS spot… Continue Reading →
VR requirements: Flash (NOT Java or QTVR); full screen; ease of implementation via CMS; hotspots; For stitching the daddy seems to be RealViz Stitcher [waybackmachine]. Clearly. There many tools based on the opensource Panorama Tools out there. But under the… Continue Reading →
P[hotographic w]ork flow Flickr. Been using it for years – with periodic hiatus[es] – always worried about losing pictures to sneaky internet thievery – and at the same time wondering how to keep a proper archive of my photos. Restricted… Continue Reading →
The best [and only!] wide-angle photographer’s compact to come to market in ten years. Or so it seems. There have been many quality compacts produced since digital imaging came of age. You know those arrogant/insecure youths strutting about showing off… Continue Reading →
According to Photojojo that is. Look here for their list. It’s a good one. SmartSetr is an instant fave; does smart sets like iTunes et al.
I looked and I looked and I looked. In the wrong places, obviously. In the end I found a site that calculated the local time of sunrise, noon and sunset. There it goes for posterity.
P[hotographic w]ork flow (early 2008) So, why the hog of a workflow?
Just received delivery of another photo book from Apple, the fourth book I’ve sent off to them in as many years. The quality is really very good for digital print – so much better than the first one I received… Continue Reading →
The Flashing Blade. Currently here. Childrens’ TV from way back in the seventies. You remember this one? I do. The theme tune is baked into my memory for ever. Flickr viewer Tiltviewer is a very cool way to see your… Continue Reading →
I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it And I know, I know, I know, I know, I know I want you er… Anyway, the D3 is announced – my desire to get into full frame digital may well… Continue Reading →
*P[hotography-w]orkflow Currently a mix of Bridge, Graphic Converter, Photoshop, iPhoto and Flickr. Photo workflow aint good. Throw in a bit of terminal action jhead -mkexif when stuck with [enjoying] 35mm film. Oh – add Flickr Uploadr and Google Earth for… Continue Reading →
A recent eBay purchase. Underwater funkiness to three and a half inches. OK maybe more. Love it.
Graphic Converter has jumped to the fore of my photo workflow options. Love the new browser features. Particularly the full screen preview on my PowerBook monitor when I’m at my desk and the fab “Set GPS from Current Google Earth… Continue Reading →
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