(Following-on from a simpler example: deleting PHP array elements that are each on a single line with Dreamweaver and RegEx.) I have series of associative arrays in a php file that reuse a set of keys. In this example I want… Continue Reading →
You have a multidimensional array where the elements’ keys/values are each on their own line. You want to remove all elements that have the same key.
Few things to note on the process of bringing this site to life…
More examples of using Batch Rename RegEx in Bridge using Regular Expressions… 1. Find year/month in yyyy-mm format at the beginning of a filename: ^[0-9]{4}-[0-1][0-9]- (Remove the caret symbol ‘^‘ if you’re searching for it anywhere in the filename) 2…. Continue Reading →
Adobe’s Bridge application has a very handy built-in file renaming utility. If you need to add a suffix, a numeric prefix or do a simple string substitution it’s ready and waiting just a keystroke away… But for more complex string… Continue Reading →
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