Is *AMP-stack web [design and] build is what you do? [Hacking WordPress!] You need a local dev environment. You need and want your dev environment to be a fuss-free, stable, reliable and long-term partner. The thing about the options I’ve… Continue Reading →
One solution to fix an ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH error
You have a multidimensional array where the elements’ keys/values are each on their own line. You want to remove all elements that have the same key.
Distilled info from this OSX Daily article: “How to Resize a VirtualBox VDI or VHD File on Mac OS X“.
I’ve read a couple of interesting articles about the future of images on the web. The Picture Element from HTML5 Rocks Responsive Images in Practice on ALA There are two image problems that need solving in our multi-dimensional device landscape:… Continue Reading →
Need to prevent “£/$/€1,000,000!!!” or similar breaking over two lines at the forward slashes? CSS word-break, word-wrap, white-space not working for you?
Few things to note on the process of bringing this site to life…
Because the Apache user on a Mac OS X box is called “_www” not the more Linux-common “apache”…
The below PHP generates a cachefile used to display a GIT changelog. (Because I didn’t have the power to get GIT installed onto the production server…) If the following simple script in your repo directory doesn’t do it you may… Continue Reading →
Thanks to this post “Dynamic variable names in PHP” for enlightening me on how easy this is. There’s a lot of stuff out there about PHP variable variables but if you just want to craft a variable’s name based on… Continue Reading →
1. Remove any files already added form the working directory. For example: $ git rm -f *dwsync.xml 2. Set up (or create) your global git ignore file in your home directory: $ printf “dwsync.xmlnThumbs.dbn” >> ~/.gitignore 3. using git config… Continue Reading →
I discovered this handy feature when troubleshooting a login problem for a client of mine. If you swap your WP database between your local development and production server at all regularly — and don’t fancy editing your site URL and… Continue Reading →
Nice article about WordPress in my favourite web design and develpment magazine (issue 217 of .NET). Usual stuff but well written without either speeding or jabbering. There’s a nice overview of Custom Menus, Multisite, Custom Post Formats, Custom Post types and… Continue Reading →
As I’m still an idiot when it comes to media queries and mobile devices and can pass this stuff on to other folks – but needed to give myself and the interested parties a visual representation of how different sized… Continue Reading →
Basic stuff (as often the case not immediately findable). You want a simple script to redirect to a different page if te referrer is such and such. In the following example the two referral page options ( foo.html and bar.html… Continue Reading →
Thanks to my mate Tony I’ve been introduced to this rather delicious (and very small) jQuery plugin that adds support for, among other things the :nth-child pseudo class. If this had been around a year ago ‘d have avoided having… Continue Reading →
Q. Want to get something in your theme to work with data from a particular page or post – but don’t know for sure what that post’s ID is? A. Try this in your functions.php file: …then you can then… Continue Reading →
I’m used to using php variables set in included file being used in another included file if all are included in the same document. This doesn’t work in WordPress theme parts. It’s easy to overcome though… you just need to… Continue Reading →
Q. Got a theme that needs two different excerpt lengths? A. Found here: set the standard, longer excerpt as normal in the functions.php file and the override locally using this code:
GIT is great, Git is good. I mostly use git to track changes (very useful to check on what I’ve been up to when it’s late in the night!) but occasionally I need to use it to roll back to… Continue Reading →
Nice little write-up on pushing your local GIT repo to a live web site: Incredible, clever, simple looking demo:
Do what this guy says and add /usr/local/mysql/bin back into your paths file
Easy solution to this basic HTML coding need posted over at Stack Overflow by a random clever bloke. Thanks RCB. My only issue was with UTF-8 characters coming through garbled. Bodged a workaround using this encode entities plug-in for Dreamweaver.
The last time I tried to render CSS through PHP was many, many moons ago. I didn’t work and I couldn’t figure it out. Yesterday I tried again and found out why… the MIME type must be set as text/css…. Continue Reading →
Specifying line-height on an <a> in a <li> will not work in your webkit based browsers. Line-height needs to be set on the containing <li> to work at all in Chrome or consistently in Firefox. Now you know.
The grandaddy of all CSS resets hits version 2.o beta: Eric Meyer’s Reset Revisited. See also the subsequent thoughts on how to handle :focus. Update! Now at Beta 2.
Great to finally see [forgive my split infinitive] a well documented walkthrough on how to create these little bit of magical CSS that add triangular pointers onto your navigation elements – or Talk Bubbles as Stubbornella OOCSS has them –… Continue Reading →
Made me grin/grimace…. A piece on how retarded Microsoft’s latest incarnation of Internet Explorer may turn out to be, despite the hype: [waybackmachine] Oh dear.
Having learnt that properly structuring headings is very important to SEO but wishing to be able to style and design pages beyond the limitations of HTML text I’ve often reverted to this old CSS hack to replace heading text with… Continue Reading →
Websites are a point of contact – and a contact form that sends an email is the way to normally handle enquiries. (Of course phone numbers/addresses must first be easy to find!) A contact form requires a web server to… Continue Reading →
At some point in the last month (been on holiday mostly) an Apple system update caused MySQL to stop running – all local development sites using MySQL would give the dreaded “Error establishing a database connection” error message. And phpMyAdmin… Continue Reading →
The easiest route to web fonts, Cufon, is suffering a couple of issues at the moment – somebody may be trying to give the service a hard time with a nasty font. If you ever have this trouble getting a… Continue Reading →
So you’re doing the right thing and crafting internal links within your site to give the thing meaning and usefulness (or SEO)… but WordPress then adds superfluous trackbacks in the comments of the pages/posts your linking to… There are plugins… Continue Reading →
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